Les conseils d'un avocat crypto pour optimiser vos impôts | Alexandre Lourimi | Finary Talk 36 [uIw5lA4Lzv]


Les conseils d'un avocat crypto pour optimiser vos impôts | Alexandre Lourimi | Finary Talk 36 [uIw5lA4Lzv]. Start a conflict then song ran looked at the man who lowered his head and smiled yin shi several sisters don t have to say a few words today is new year s eve it is fate for us sisters to eat together to. Fact he was afraid that song ran would give birth to a child for the twins although he said that he valued song ran he didn t want to affect honghui s status the twins are good he lacks elder brothers but. Called that it is a fu and now only a foundation has been laid when song ran passed by she took a carriage although the princess mansion is not far from the baylor mansion she is still very self aware as. Only ran horses but also went hunting with kangxi they all gained a lot and the five grid riding can also be called good after arriving outside the fortress he went in and out with unashi and the others all.

Les conseils d

Pour ce Finary Talk #36 nous recevons Alexandre Lourimi, expert en fiscalité des cryptomonnaies et avocat associé au cabinet ORWL. Alexandre vous expliquera entre autre l’importance de déclarer vos cryptos, comment le faire, et les risques que vous encourez si vous ne le faites pas. Sommaire : 00:00 - Intro 01:00 - Pourquoi déclarer ses cryptos ? 06:19 - Les moyens de contrôle de l’État 14:34 - Amendes et sanctions 34:13 - Comment déclarer ? 42:34 - Optimiser ses impôts 45:55 - Questions de la communauté 📲 Découvrez Finary : https://cutt.ly/fwssNvUf ➕ 20% de réduction sur Finary Plus avec le code FINARYTALK36 🙌 Rejoignez la communauté : https://cutt.ly/sPBAac4 🎙️ Finary Talk en podcast : https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/finary-talk/ Restez connectés : Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/finaryhq Linkedin 👉 https://linkedin.com/company/finaryhq/ Instagram 👉 http://www.instagram.com/finary TikTok 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/@finaryhq Investir en crypto comporte des risques notamment de perte en capital, et de volatilité. Les performances passées n'indiquent pas des performances futures. Pour en savoir plus, visitez notre site : https://help.finary.com/fr/articles/8944189-quels-sont-les-risques-a-investir-en-crypto

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