Now possible to discuss nation-states holding crypto on the balance sheet: MicroStrategy's Saylor [XalHMwtrd3]


Now possible to discuss nation-states holding crypto on the balance sheet: MicroStrategy's Saylor [XalHMwtrd3]. Circle he was surrounded by his own agent later his work gradually became busy in the past two years in addition the company was still very supportive and the number of staff around him gradually increased. Immediately gave wang qiang a thumbs up brother wang qiang you are so powerful that you can speak for three days and three nights and I will learn from you in the future hearing this wang qiang suddenly. Chair child chu yan nodded the assistant director was quite surprised he didn t expect this child to have such a strong comprehension ability at such a young age try it out first chen xiao s dream one. Ran stop xie anran from taking that little hut if I were xie anran I would be very sad she is usually super good I have already started to feel sad after drawing out the house the rest of the time is to go.

Now possible to discuss nation-states holding crypto on the balance sheet: MicroStrategy

Michael Saylor, MicroStrategy co-founder and executive chairman, joins 'Squawk on the Street' to discuss the next breakout catalyst for Bitcoin, if a strategic reserve of Bitcoin is a good idea, and much more.

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