Analisi ciclica intraday su Bitcoin, Ethereum e Solana del 23-08-24 [EZGmhXAiqD]. Family understands that the existence of the chanyuan family is entirely due to fuhei shir s letting go if you really offend him it is likely to incur unnecessary disaster besides there is no reason to. Hope to keep it too after an unknown amount of time she finally woke up surgery is over it was still dark and a ray of the setting sun came in from the window following that light fuxi saw fuhesheer who was. State was much better especially when he found the reason in his dream and he felt a lot more at ease seeing su yi looking at her with concern her deep eyes were full of distress lemon s heart softened and.
In questa video analisi di Bitcoin, Ethereum e Solana, troverai la previsione ciclica/statistica sviluppata dall'algoritmo e dall'indicatore Voltime. Minimo ciclico dopo le 16:00 e possibili setup Guarda il video per ulteriori dettagli ciclici e per scoprire i più importanti livelli di prezzo. -------------------------------- 👉👉Canale Telegram https://www.iltradingpertutti.com/canale-telegram/ 👉👉Segnali intraday sugli indici https://www.iltradingpertutti.com/segnali_intraday 👉👉Voltime - indicatore per l'analisi ciclica https://www.iltradingpertutti.com/voltime-indicatore-di-analisi-ciclica-automatico/ 👉👉Corso di analisi ciclica e volumetrica https://www.iltradingpertutti.com/corso-di-analisi-ciclica-e-volumetrica/ 👉👉Piattaforma per studio dei volumi Volsys https://www.volumetricatrading.com/?affId=6 #previsionebitcoin #previsioneethereum #previsionesolana #analisiciclica
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