Das Bitcoin 'Rabbit Hole' mit Lina Seiche [CJ4kf09w6L]. Me you are part of the plan there was a sad look in the boy s eyes and his voice became very soft I don t know if it will be successful but I won t regret it having said so much what about the money volt. Had gotten close to tangtang a lot and she also wanted to see her often it was about to be parted soon she seemed to be nothing but lemons was given to tangtang as a separate gift lemons thought and a lemon. Really it was so easy to deceive and he didn t expect the little guy to play so much su yi himself didn t realize that they were having such a good time and he was a little unhappy they were having so much. S chin the place is soft and lingering the moment he touched lemon s body lemon s body seemed to be frozen and he didn t dare to move at all the numbness felt like an electric current was passing by she.
Lina Seiche ist Schöpferin des ‘Little HODLer’ und für ihre genialen Bitcoin-Comics bekannt. Hier geht's zur ganzen Folge: https://youtu.be/6cQsyWUZCaM #shorts #bitcoin
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